Damco - Tecnologia bimateriale, iniezione a gas, stampaggio tecnico

Damco is a company with experience in the processing of thermoplastic materials, bi-material technology substitute for welding, gas injection for emptying, technical moulding


New area for MOCA molding

Bi-material technology substitute for welding
Damco was among the first in the industry to study a coinjection technique to single automated cycle that allows the realization of assembled details without welds. In this way the production process is much more economical and efficient, thus obviating the various conventional welding techniques (eg.: a hot blade, ultrasound, etc.).
  • Bi-material technology
  • Bi-material technology
  • Bi-material technology
Pieces made with bi-material technique without resorting to welding.

  • Assemblaggio
  • Assemblaggio
  • Assemblaggio
Pieces made with bi-material technology and automated assembly.
Bi-material technology assembly
In 2003 Damco has patented a revolutionary new technique which, applied to the bi-material injection presses, allows you to get the details in two different materials assembled together.

Bi-material technology with over-moulding
Using the over-moulding technique you can create complete details containing gaskets, soft-touch surfaces, or decorative elements of different materials.
  • Bimateriale
    Pieces made with bi-material over-moulding technique.
  • Bimateriale
    Pieces made with bi-material over-moulding technique.
  • Bimateriale
    Coperchio "nero" con guarnizione costampata, ideale per chiusure ermetiche
  • Bimateriale
    Pulsantiera con membrana e guarnizione costampata estremamente resistente alle sollecitazioni